#118 -
03.12.2006 18:29
steve read
I am closing the forum for now. I was getting very tired of the spam. Every day, someone comes here and posts garbage about viagra, cialis, weight loss, furniture, stocks, porn, etc. Every day I have to get rid of it. So I am disallowing new messages for now, but keeping the old messages here for archival purposes. Thanks to everyone who did post something!

#117 -
03.08.2006 21:57
My friend Lurker ... I apologize. I do have a reason to get my site up now. The company I work for just laid off the entire Print section of our Creative Dept. I figure it won't be long before the Interative Dept will go the same way. The company is moving all it's creative needs to a mega-conglomerate design house. So much for the in-house agency, eh? Right now, I'm busy installing print samples into the Gallery section. A lighter version should be launching in the next couple of weeks.
My bad and sad! jB
#116 -
03.06.2006 12:38
jboissy, you broke your promise.. again 
#115 -
03.03.2006 21:17
Hey gang! I'm still here and kicking. My Flash-driven website is almost done and I got a surprise last weekend! My parents brought me some boxes from home that had some of my old stuff it them. Inside one of the boxes ... a Coleco Perma-Power AC adapter for their handheld games. The labels were pretty worn so I recreated them and will make them available soon.
#114 -
02.20.2006 22:21
Hi Scot, I'm also looking for a tandy space shot for sapre parts to fix the one I had when I was young.
Also looking for a Podcase Cheerful Dwarves or Dwarves and Apples LCD games.
Oh yes, just my luck that they are not too easy to find :
#113 -
02.15.2006 15:34
I have a nice, working Kenner Redline w/batt. cover, for sale ($150).
I also have a semi-corroded, not working, Kenner Long Beach Grand Prix w/batt. cover, for sale ($40).
Send me an email if you're interested.
#112 -
02.14.2006 19:40
bluefez.com is coming this month? you got 2 more weeks left, dude! 
#111 -
02.12.2006 16:30
just plain me
Microvision sounds right, thanks.
#110 -
02.12.2006 10:16
steve read
That game sounds like Entex Select a Game. A very early cartridge based tabletop. You also might be thinking of the Milton Bradley Microvision. I had both of these for sale recently, but they are now sold. Now that you have some names you can find them much easier!
#109 -
02.12.2006 01:52
Just plain me
Back in the 70's, perhaps 1973-1975, I had a handheld cartridge video game. It was perhaps 12 inches long and four inches wide and had an lcd display composed of roughly 1/8 inch square pixels. The cartridges clipped on top of the unit with a clear window to see the display through. It came with at least one cartridge and others were available. The one I recall was a breakout type of game. Ring any bells with anyone?
#108 -
02.01.2006 09:54
jboissy.. hows the bluefez.com coming? 
#107 -
01.24.2006 09:43
steve read
The game is called Pizza, made by Tandy. I don't have one myself. Its fairly rare but not that hard to find. Good luck!
#106 -
01.24.2006 09:25
Greetings. Maybe someone knows what I'm looking for. It was a pocket game that folded up, I believe it was red, and if I recall correctly there were two chefs one on each side of screen....and the object was to pass pizzas from side to side and get them into the oven. Something like that. I didn't see it on the site but maybe I missed it. I thought it was called Pass the pizzas...or something like that. Any help would be appreciated.
#105 -
01.07.2006 12:35
Mike Gorman
I'd like to run by Radio Shack to buy and AC adaptor for a Ludotronic Hop Man. Anyone have any idea what voltage I need, what size plug, etc.? I just don't want to fry it! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#104 -
01.07.2006 12:02
New items on ebay
If anyone is interested please visit my ebay offers:
Diamond hunt: 8249790807 http://cgi.ebay.at/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=824979 0807&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
Coconut Ball: 8249790780
#103 -
01.02.2006 12:29
I have a few Coleco and Mattel electronic games I would like to sell.All are in the boxes with paperwork and in excellent working order and appearance.Anyone interested please email me at bltss396@carolina.rr.com
#102 -
12.27.2005 19:55
Mike Gorman
I picked up a Ludotronic "Hop Man" off of eBay for a somng ($30). It's pretty MINT, just minor scuffs, and it works fine, however the layer with the game play is VERY dim, so much so that it's almost unplayable.
Any idea what may cause this? Both bulbs are bright and working, and all else functions.
It stink because to play it, I have to view it very close up and from an odd angle.
The background layer is super bright.
I'm bumming!
#101 -
12.22.2005 06:55
Coleco Donkey Kong battery cover on Ebay. May be able to fit other Coleco table top mini arcade games:
#100 -
12.20.2005 21:16
Hi Jeanie, I've e-mailed you a link to a Gakken Backgammon game I found on an online auction site.
#99 -
12.20.2005 11:51
Howdy all!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while but life and work have been going full-speed as we head towards Christmas. I'll be finishing restoration work on the Coleco Zaxxon cabinet over the holiday break. I'll have pics posted soon.
Mike ... what exactly do you need for Zaxxon? Is it the pattern for the purple gray screen?
Cheers! jB
#98 -
12.14.2005 19:31
Hey wats up iam think of collecting hand held games what games should i start out with first??? But right know i only have 1 game and it is Classic Football 2 By Mattel[URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img459.imageshack.us/img459/6488/gam e20bc.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
#97 -
12.14.2005 11:14
I am looking for a Tandy or Gakken Backgammon game. It's a large rectangular game, and I think it's called a "table top".
I almost had one on ebay, but went out to dinner and got outbid!! I would really like to find one of these for a family member. She had one for years and dropped it last year.
Can anyone help me find one?
Thanks for your help!
#96 -
11.28.2005 23:06
what happened to bluefezpress.com?
#95 -
11.12.2005 16:01
forget it sorry 
#94 -
11.12.2005 15:55
Kate Calderon
i would like to buy a marios cement tabletop   
#93 -
11.07.2005 21:55
i'm interested in Entex's Galaxian 2, Super Space Invaders 2 and Defender
#92 -
11.07.2005 12:31
JB, could you send that file for the Zaxxon front screen to me? I had the same problem. Also, anyone out there have the files to create game stickers to replace old ones? I saw it online once on a CD, but not since then.
#91 -
11.07.2005 12:21
Congrats on the great site! I got into the collecting about 5 years ago, (with some units still around from childhood). If anyone just wants to talk the crap, or has some VDF games for sale, just let me know.

#90 -
11.06.2005 16:06
Perry Evans
I would like to buy a old Kenner RedLine game if anyone has one Thanks
#89 -
10.13.2005 19:30
Hi fellas,
I was going through some of my old birthday pictures, when I saw a box in the background for the game Space Shot put out by tandy. I guess this was around 1980 or 81, I was either 11 or 12.
I have been going nuts for the past year trying to locate this game, It's never on ebay. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone here would know where I might be able to find it. I've been having a terrible nostalgia craze lately. Trying to buy back my childhood!
Please accept my apology in advance if this is not the place to ask a question like this. Thanks for any help.
#88 -
10.13.2005 09:53
You could download the file, print it out and use that print-out as a pattern to cut a new piece of plastic. I'm sure someone sells plastic the same thickness and color. :-)
#87 -
10.11.2005 15:28
steven read
The screen protector might still be inside the unit! Open it up and see. It might have fallen and stuck inside. It is a see-through piece of plastic.
#86 -
10.11.2005 10:23
damn, after all these years - i am missing a screen protector.. does it fall out easily? like steve said, attached on the inside by simple tape strips.. i guess they are worn out and fell apart. jboissy - what good will it do if you scan me the screen protector to print it out? it's a piece of plastic, not paper.. unless if i am mistaken that there are more decals showing around the game screen (like the bezel art for upright coin-op video arcade games?)
#85 -
10.11.2005 00:26
Scott Linabury
I had a game the looked like the Pac-man Cabnit style. This game had a "space-man" fighting his way in a maze to reach what i believe was a golden cup...or the prize was to achieve the golden cup.Well long story short my sisters nail polish spilled onto the game screen and dried. 21 years later i still try to remember the name of the game.
#84 -
10.10.2005 11:33
I could scan in my screen protector and make a pattern you could print out.
Let me know.
Cheers! jB
#83 -
10.10.2005 11:30
I second what Steve just posted. I think the plastic protector also reduced the glare from screen #1 (playfield) to help keep the display area as dark as possible. Hence the blue-purple color of the plastic.
Just my 2-cents after a week of rummaging thru the guts of my Zaxxon unit. jB
BTW ... the side labels for the Zaxxon cabinet are almost done.
#82 -
10.10.2005 10:13
steven read
It did come with a screen protector - a flimsy rectangular piece of plastic material, blue-grey in color, it is attached on the inside by simple tape strips. It would be easy to make one yourself.
#81 -
10.09.2005 22:35
does a Coleco Zaxxon tabletop come with a screen protector? cuz mine doesn't have one - i can put my finger inside and reach the game screen and the motherboard.
#80 -
10.05.2005 19:28
The owner of this site, Steve, would be a good resource. You could also check on eBay to see what people are willing to pay.
BTW ... what games do you have?
Cheers! jB
#79 -
10.05.2005 12:46
I have a few tabletop games of the 80's that I kept from childhood that still work really well. Two of them have their original boxes and I wanted to know if there was a website or reliable source (book or something) that could give me a listing of what they could possibly be worth today.
Thank you!
#78 -
10.05.2005 10:46
Greetings all!
I'm putting out the call ... if anyone has a Coleco Zaxxon battery door, drop me a line. I'm currently restoring a beat-up unit I bought off of eBay. Poor thing must've been in a flood ... BUT IT STILL WORKS!!!! Gotta love that late 70s-early 80s technology.
#77 -
10.05.2005 10:43
Hey Lurker...
My hosting service has been upgrading their equipment which took uploads offline. Last time I looked they were returning functionality. Currently I've been restoring a Coleco Zaxxon tabletop unit ... new labels, cleaning and buffing out the cabinet. I should be done with that this weekend and then I can return to my website.
#76 -
10.05.2005 02:20
jboissy - when are you going to open your website?
#75 -
10.04.2005 20:57
Greetings! I just wanted everyone to know that I completed my first paper model of the Coleco Ms. Pac Man tabletop game. It was given to a friend as his "going away" card (joining the army). I'll be posting pictures soon.
#74 -
09.30.2005 18:01
Hi! Anybody got a Kenner Redline they want to give me for free? How 'bout Mego Star Trek Phaser Battle? If not for free, how 'bout selling too me in an inexpensive, non-profiteering way?
#73 -
09.30.2005 15:11
Oleksiy Nazarov
I'm looking for Mortal Kombat Tiger Barcodzz handheld to buy, I don't care in what condition, as long as it works. Anyone with any info email me or post it here. Thanks a lot!
#72 -
09.29.2005 06:44
Hi! I'm looking for a Burgertime LCD. Want purely for playing so the only thing that matters is if its in properly working condition.
#71 -
09.20.2005 12:17
Anne Maria
Hello! I am looking for games/toys such as EPOCH's pachinko's. They are small, plastic & vary in themes. Im unsure of the release dates. 1960's, '70's, '80's... I cant seem to locate the Epoch co website (if it exist?). Can anyone help? Thanks...
#70 -
09.17.2005 20:36
I am looking for a Kenner redline drag racing game that is in great condition. Do you know of one? There is one on ebay right now, but I would like to find an additional one if I don't win the bid.
#69 -
09.15.2005 12:25
Hi! I am searching for games/toys such as EPOCH's pachinko's. They are small, plastic & vary in themes. Im unsure of the release dates. 1960's, '70's, '80's... I cant seem to locate the Epoch co website (if it exist?). Can anyone help? Thanks...
#68 -
09.12.2005 12:48
I was just looking through some of my old things and found Gakken "Kitchen pannic" in original box. I bought new batteries (expensive) and it works well. Its a great game. A few years before i bought this game in ?1981 or so, my father brought "cross highway" back from a trip to Japan. No one in my school had seen such a game back then. Unfortuneately, my brother had it stolen from him when he brought it to school.
#67 -
09.07.2005 19:22
Selling some of my small collection:
Mint Condition Mario's Cement Factory Game and Watch Mint Condition Gakken Soccer LCD Card Game Mint Condition Burgertime with missing battery cover (the one I bought from Steven)
Also selling 2 Entex Arcade Defender. One I cannot get to work but the other one works great. Both have a crack on the cover screen, but doesn't affect gameplay at all.
Lastly, selling an Entex Pacman 2 and an Entex Galaxian 2.
#66 -
09.07.2005 09:38
Greetings all!
I just completed the basic 3d geometry for the Coleco Zaxxon cabinet. If anyone has hi-res, well lit picts of the front, top and right side, please e-mail me. Also, I could use some physical dimensions.
The DK Jr. cabinet is next. :-)
Cheers! jB
#65 -
09.07.2005 05:12
Nevermind, I think I got it. I went and found one of your earlier posts and copied the e-mail address.
Let's see if that works! :-) jB
#64 -
09.07.2005 05:09
My e-mail to you got bounced back. Could you send me an e-mail to confirm your adddress?
Thanx! jB
#63 -
09.06.2005 17:21
Greetings all!
I'm working on paper punch-out models of the Coleco Tabletop games. I plan on making paper models of all the units ... PacMan, Ms. PacMan, Galaxian, Donkey Kong and Frogger. I also plan on creating models of prototype Coleco units ... Berzerk and Omega Race. I'll have more information and a preview on my website soon! If interested, feel free to drop me a line.
Cheers! jB
#62 -
09.06.2005 17:15
Sent you an e-mail! 
Thanx! jB
#61 -
09.06.2005 11:28
I'm looking to buy one of the spare 'French' control panel decals that came with the Canadian version of Coleco's Ms Pacman. It must be in perfect/unused condition.
#60 -
09.05.2005 14:29
JB, if you are interested I have a MIB Gakken Dig Dug for sale or trade. You can contact me via email.
Regards, Linda
#59 -
09.04.2005 09:09
Wow ... that's a hard question. I don't think I have a favorite game ... but the Coleco tabletop units are my favorite style.
Altho, I'd luv to get my hands on a Gakken Dig Dug! :-)
#58 -
09.01.2005 13:42
I'm looking for Nentone/Gongoll/Romtec Frog Prince, Eurosonic Pucki & Monsters. If you have these ones please inform me. I'm ready to buy them.
#57 -
08.29.2005 03:09
Lucky you. I'm still in the grinder though I have some fairly interesting projects for a balance. Although I need my games collecting hobby to help me decompress. What's your favourite game?
#56 -
08.26.2005 05:22
I was in advertising, now I work for an educational company, Thomson Gale. Same job, except I don't have to deal with clients. :-D
#55 -
08.24.2005 04:29
Kestrel Lee
Hi JB, Nice collection! Are you in advertising? I'm a copywriter in Singapore and I share my collection with my brother, Nelson.
#54 -
08.23.2005 11:05
Mattell Football I & II Mattell Basketball Mattell Armor Attack Mattell Dungeons & Dragons
#53 -
08.23.2005 11:03
Entex Galaxian 2 Entex Space Invaders
#52 -
08.23.2005 11:01
Parker Bros. Merlin
Milton Bradley Comp 4
Nintendo Snoopy TT
#51 -
08.23.2005 10:58
Here are the games I have ...
Coleco Pac-Man Coleco Ms. Pac-Man Coleco Donkey Kong Coleco Donkey Kong Jr. Coleco Galaxian Coleco Alien Attack
#50 -
08.23.2005 10:56
Greetings Mini-Arcaders!
My name is John, a 38 year old Art Director in Ann Arbor Michigan, who is extremely proud to say I still have ALL of my old, hand-held games from "the day." :-) However one of my games, Coleco DK Jr., is a little worse for wear ... the joystick snapped off! I was wondering if anyone had a spare joystick to sell? If not, I may pull the joystick out of my Nintendo TT Snoopy game, cast a mold of it, and reproduce the DK Jr. joystick in white resin. I'd prefer to buy one. :-) If anyone wants to chat, hit me up here in the forum or drop me an e-mail.
Cheers! jB
#49 -
08.20.2005 23:58
I was just looking through some of my old things and found Gakken "Kitchen pannic" in original box. I bought new batteries (expensive) and it works well. Its a great game. A few years before i bought this game in ?1981 or so, my father brought "cross highway" back from a trip to Japan. No one in my school had seen such a game back then. Unfortuneately, my brother had it stolen from him when he brought it to school.
#48 -
08.20.2005 16:53
Does any one seen the russian games from "Elektronika" concern? They was quite popular in eastern europe. If you want i can send photos, movies, or even a consoles, just to put them here, so ewerybody can see it. Sorry for my english.
#47 -
08.16.2005 22:16
I have purchased NEO GEO still looking for Atari Lynx Virtual Boy And Game.com
#46 -
08.16.2005 16:36
happy retro gamer
damn! that's it!!! thx steven... gotta go see if i can find this game somewhere, i was starting to think i had lost my mind when i was little and used my imagination 
#45 -
08.16.2005 16:13
steven read
The name of the game is.......Mystery Mansion! https://www.miniarcade.com/epoch/mm.php It might also go by other names, depending upon who released it. I used to have the epoch version of this one for sale, but it has been sold. Good luck finding it!
#44 -
08.16.2005 16:09
help out retro gamer
Hi there,
I'm hoping someone here can help me remember a handheld i had once upon a time 
what i think i can remember: The case looked pretty much like a game&watch handheld It was limegreen It was widescreen It was about a boy that had to rescue a princess from a witch, one had to remember a spell combination and do it by a moving broom that threw water from a bucket. you had to get the key to unlock the princess..... well at least that's how i recall it 
#43 -
08.14.2005 20:19
I am looking for
Game.com (original or pocket pro) Atari Lynx (both versions) Virtual Boy Neo Geo Pocket Color
I want them in the ORIGINAL boxes, in GREAT condition, and with all original manuals, internal packaging, and cables etc. I'm not interested in trading, ONLY BUYING.
Contact me at Notedog@gmail.com
#42 -
08.12.2005 12:35
david attic
hi there, i'm glad i came across this site, i was wondering if you'd know roughly what a coleco Galaxian tabletop game would go for in good condition without the box, i saw yours was going for about 200 (usd) mint w/box. could you provide a rough estimate?
#41 -
08.09.2005 20:45
Burgertime taken care of thanx to Steven . Now I am looking for a Zelda Multi screen Game and Watch and a Bandai LCD Solar Power Terror house also know as Akuryou No Yakata. Again want purely for playing so I don't care what condition its in as long as it is fully playable.
#40 -
08.02.2005 20:33
Looking for a Burgertime LCD. Want purely for playing so the only thing that matters is if its in properly working condition.
#39 -
08.01.2005 14:32
Just stumble across this wonderful site. I'm trying to find info on how the display screens are made, I'm doing an art project and I'm trying to find info on how the characters are made? I kinda understand the LED part, I'm not necessarily looking to make a game. I'm wondering if the characters are etched or screenprinted onto plastic or something? I'm a screenprinter so I understand this part very well.
thanx for your time,
#38 -
08.01.2005 04:54
Hey Steven, Thanks for your great site, I love it! I'd like to buy Pro Golf by Bandai because I have very good memories from my childhood connected with this fun golf game. So if anybody is going to sell it let me know please. Thanks. 
#37 -
07.19.2005 18:44
I looking to buy:
Any Tiger Flip-up color lcd Rosy Space King Nentone/Gongoll/Romtec Frog Prince Eurosonic Pucki & Monsters Tiger Star Castle tabletop Tiger Jawbreaker tabletop Tiger Space inavders tabletop Please let me know if you have one of these for sale or trade.
#36 -
07.19.2005 04:24
Hello from Germany!
I’m auctioning the handheld Game Matsushima Space Shuttle in perfect working order on eBay.
Take a look at http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8204337304
!Ending: 19.07.05 12:47:40 MESZ!
#35 -
07.17.2005 07:22
Hi all,
Gee these handhelds bring back memories.. I found some old ones I had at my parents house, Lupin, Kingman, Donkey Kong Jnr and Hunter (wasn't a well known game)...
It's funny how I still remember all the tactics after not playing them for about 15 years or more...
Anyhow I remembered one trick I used to do with Lupin was that you can shoot his own legs off in level 2 after you've finished shooting all the guards... You simply fire then tap left button quickly 3 times or so and you can actually run in front of the bullet.. Quite funny coz your score increases every time you do it!.. Must be coz Lupin's legs are the same sprite that the guards are...hehe
long live classic arcades 
#34 -
07.06.2005 16:02
Hello all,
wondering if there is anyone out there willing to trade/sell a copy of Tsukada" handheld game "the Great Escape"..
I have a few handheld/tabletop games that I would trade,or happily pay for.
any response or info would be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!
#33 -
05.31.2005 05:30
Hi, I am really keen on buying the boxing calculator, can you please make contact with me. glennsmith@ihug.co.nz
Kind Regards Glenn
#32 -
05.25.2005 09:36
Blanco, tengo un Gakken Frogger (encajado) y tambien otro sin la caja. Mandeme un email sin estas interesado
#31 -
05.15.2005 22:23
Check out the rest of my auctions:
#30 -
05.15.2005 22:18
Hi Steven, Have you received my e-mails? I'm still waiting for your reply on the trades.
By the way collectors, check out my rare Coleco and Bandai LCD games and table-tops on auction in Ebay. As stated on my auctions, if you used the Buy It Now option, you will enjoy free shipping by registered air mail/parcel.
Here are some of the items:
- Boxed Coleco Pac-Man game watch table top:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2541&item=5196933 552
#29 -
05.11.2005 09:26
Estoy buscando una Gakken Frogger, si alguien dispone de una por favor poneros en contacto.
#28 -
05.10.2005 23:17
I am searching for games/toys such as EPOCH's pachinko's. They are small, plastic & vary in themes. Im unsure of the release dates. 1960's, '70's, '80's... I cant seem to locate the Epoch co website (if it exist?). Can anyone help? Thanks...
#27 -
04.26.2005 19:35
Hi Marcel, I have a small suggestion. You can just head down to the toy section of any shopping centre and you can pick out some LCD cames that come as blisterpacks.
You should be able to see some Pokemon stuff. Just flip the blisterpack over and check if tghe manufacturer in in your country.
Just my five cents...
#26 -
04.24.2005 04:01
hey there.
does anybody knows which companies are able to develop a new really simple handheld game?we would like to produce a really simple game here in germany..
any help appreciated!
#25 -
04.16.2005 00:29
steven read
Actually, radio shack never made a single item ever. All their electronics and games are made by other companies, and radio shack just puts their name on it.
#24 -
04.15.2005 08:11
Hi Steve, IO'm sorry to hear that.
Btw, Dusan, Plane and tank is made by the company "Radio shack"
My auctions got cancelled by some eBay mistake and I had to relist them. The Bandai Crazy Climbing is sold already though:
- RareCarded Bandai Frankenstein LCD Game Watch:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem& category=11321&item=8185519187
#23 -
04.14.2005 23:17
Hi, I read your repair section and found it very useful. I just wanted to let you know that loose screws may also cause the LCD graphics not too appear, since the screen apparently needs to be tightly sealed for them to work.
I also noticed you're missing some LCD Simpsons games from the past decade or so. Go here http://www.snpp.com/guides/games.html#30 under Handheld to find them.
Thanks for a great site!
#22 -
04.13.2005 21:17
Ultra rare Bandai Algas robot LCD game on Ebay:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem& category=11321&item=8185305874
#21 -
04.11.2005 08:26
Dusan Vojvodic
Hye Gameteers!
I have some pocket game, called Plane and tank battle, who made it?
It looks like V-tech games from this site.
#20 -
04.11.2005 02:46
Rare N.Mint in Pack Carded Bandai Boxed Frankenstein Solar LCD game watch on Ebay:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View Item&category=11321&item=5766918606
#19 -
04.08.2005 05:20
Hi David, Coleco tabletops were only sold in US so you have to rely on Ebay auctions. Try searching under "Table-top" or "Tabletop" under search.
Bandai and Gakken tabletops can be found in Yahoo Japan auctions but sellers seldom speak English and almost never ship overseas. You need someone there to buy and receive the games before shipping them to you.
#18 -
04.07.2005 19:02
Hi to all retro table top game lovers! I just listed on Ebay a rare Bandai boxed Gundam LSI table-top. Do check it out:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem& category=11321&item=5766218486
#17 -
04.07.2005 15:02
Anybody got a Kenner Redline they want to give me for free? How 'bout Mego Star Trek Phaser Battle?
If not for free, how 'bout selling too me in an inexpensive, non-profiteering way?
#16 -
04.06.2005 12:34
Here's what I have for sale
Prices come with free shipping wordlwide by registered air mail
- Non-functional Coleco Pac-Man with battery cover: US$39
- Near Mint in box Banda Gundam LS1 table-top: US$129
- Near mint in Box Bandai Crazy Climber: US$129
#15 -
04.04.2005 22:47
hey nintendo fans, check this out!
#14 -
04.04.2005 09:49
Try these links :
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem& category=11321&item=5764945018
http://cgi.ebay. com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11321&item= 5764945601
#13 -
04.04.2005 09:40
Nelson Lee
Hi Steve, Do e-mail me which games you plan to sell.
By the way, I do have these Boxed Coleco table-tops on auction right now on Ebay. And I also have a non-functional Coleco Pac-Man with its battery cover.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie wItem&category=11321&item=5764945018
http://cgi .ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11321 &item=5764945601
#12 -
03.07.2005 12:49
steven read
I have decided to sell off a large chunk of my handheld video game collection. Soon I will maintain a price list of games here, but for now I would say that 90% of the games you see on this website are currently in my possession and are available for purchase. This is a great opportunity to get some very rare games in mint-boxed condition. More information to come soon, but email me now if you are interested in buying a game on this website.

#11 -
02.24.2005 09:12
I am brand new to collecting these games. And actually I do not have any yet, but I bought just about every Coleco one on ebay over the past week.
After I started looking around ebay, I would see a game that I have not even thought about in 20 plus years. I would have flashbacks to when I played them as a kid.
The most vivid flashbacks came whenever I found the Tomy Digital or Demon driver game. I can remember playing that on the playground. I had not given one thought to it until I saw it. Also, the Merlin brings back lots of memories. I played the sh*$# out of that thing.
Some guys have Vietnam flashbacks, I have early handheld video game flashbacks. The 1980s was the best decade by far. Man I am getting old. I am guessing that the guy running this sight is 34 years old just like me. Just a stab in the dark.
#10 -
02.23.2005 16:42
david clark
thanks for the advice, guys. it's much appreciated. 
btw, if anyone knows where I can get a battery cover for a coleco table top game, I could really use one.
#9 -
02.23.2005 13:22
hey steve! long time no talk! how are you doing? still living in same place? same email address? i wish we can get together some time soon. email me or i will check back this message board. see ya!

#8 -
02.23.2005 10:06
steven read
Yeah, probably looking for websites and auctions in japan is a good idea. Sometimes the seller will not sell overseas, but some do. Other than ebay, looking on websites (like mine), making friends and doing trades is not only smart but also a good way to meet people. I myself am not actively buying or selling anymore, and I will only trade away for others that I really want, for instance a mint in box colorvision .... 
#7 -
02.23.2005 08:36
hi David,
I hear you. That's why also stopped shopping at ebay almost altogether. The other day I put in a bid for a boxed Bandai Zaxxon that I really wanted and got outbid even though I put in what I thought was a ridiculously high bid...
My tip: starting looking in Japan & in Europe...
#6 -
02.22.2005 15:43
david clark
Hi Steven. I'm just getting started in collecting strictly table top games myself. I'm having fun but finding it hard to get what I want on ebay (I normally get outbid). If you have any tips you could possibly share on picking these items up anywhere online or somewhere in person, drop me an email. Thanks appreciated in advance! ps- great site, btw! I love the layout! Very retro-tastic!  -David
#5 -
02.20.2005 19:08
steven read
There are NO vintage handheld games of tetris. None were made until the 90's, I believe. Then about a zillion cheap little tetris clone handhelds were made, none of which were licensed.
#4 -
02.20.2005 16:38
#3 -
02.18.2005 12:14
Doc Bopp
What is this site all about? Are you selling or buying or both?
#2 -
02.17.2005 02:53
tetris ??? where is tetris ??? this was very important for our childhood collection :-)
#1 -
02.10.2005 00:16
steven read
Sorry everyone, my forum database got corrupted and all the messages were lost!